Happiness comes from bestowing happiness. Become a sponsor!
What good can my contributions do?

You can individually select a person in need and significantly improve his or her living conditions.
The social commission of the B'nai Brith Leopolis Lodge in Lviv suggests those in need and allocates the monthly allowances. If desired, the sponsor can take up written contact with his or her "dependent," and learn how each contribution has made a real difference.
How much does a sponsorship cost?

25 euros per month – that's not even 90 cents a day. Sponsorship contributions are tax deductible. At the beginning of each year we automatically send you a certificate of donation suitable for your tax filings.
Can I also set up a sponsorship as a gift?
Yes, passing on a sponsorship as a gift to your family, friends or colleagues, is no problem whatsoever. Simply set up the sponsorship in their name. Each sponsorship can be terminated at any time without mention of reason. A short message to Leopolis e.V. is all that it takes.