
Humanitäre Hilfe für die Ukraine e.V. DEEN
Your certificate of donation is important to us!

As a registered nonprofit organization we are legally empowered to issue your certificate of donation. This you need only present to the Tax Office when filing your taxes; your charitable contribution is tax-deductible to the full extent allowed by German law.

Please note:

Legal regulations stipulate that only donations of 100 euros or more require a certificate of donation. For donations of under 100 euros, a copy of your bank account statement is suitable as donation receipt. Leopoli e.V. only issues certificates of donation for contributions of more than 100 euros.

We appreciate your understanding of this measure, which spares us a great deal of administrative overhead.

When making a donation of over 100 euros, please be sure to include your full address in the money transfer form. Only then can we glean your whereabouts from our bank statement and see to it that your certificate of donation is delivered to your hands.